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After the Celebration

Most reading this celebrated the election, if more soberly than this Anglican. Now though it’s probably time to return to the everyday.

#231: Boys and Girls Together: A Stand Firm Guide to Dating

Matt, Jady, and Nick talk dating, how to care for your children as they seek a mate, and God’s plan for courtship and marriage.

The Heart of Anglicanism – Documentary

New Kingdom Media’s first documentary is a great summary of the Reformation roots of Anglicanism.

#230: Which Way Western Man? Archbishop Welby, the Church of England, and Rebuilding Masculinity

Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss continued apostasy from the leadership of the Church of England before turning their attention to a recap of the recent Perseus Conference.

#229: Mailbag: Clergy Clothes, Voting Advice, and Communion Partners

Jady and Nick answer some listener questions: is wearing clergy attire a bad idea? Can clergy ever tell a parishioner how they should vote? What should we make of the most recent statement from the TEC Communion Partner bishops?



#212: Stand Firm at Provincial Assembly (Day 3)

#212: Stand Firm at Provincial Assembly (Day 3)

Matt, Jady, Nick, and Kelly discuss the third day of ACNA’s Provincial Assembly. They talk about Archbishop Beach’s address, review a press conference featuring the Archbishop and Archbishop-elect, and survey some of the breakout sessions they attended.

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