#242: Same as the Old Boss: Quick Thoughts on the Transfer of Power
Matt, Jady, and Nick reflect on Joe Biden’s last few days in office, the inauguration festivities, and Donald Trump’s first actions as the new President.
#241: Called to Freedom: A Conversation with Brad Littlejohn
Matt, Jady, and Nick are joined by Brad Littlejohn to discuss the difference between worldly freedom and Christian freedom, how the world got confused about the idea, and how pastors can share freedom in Christ with their congregations.
#240: Woke Study Bible? Preston Sprinkle, Zondervan, and the Upside-Down Kingdom
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss Zondervan’s new NIV study Bible, wonder if study Bibles are a good idea, and talk about the promotional campaign for this “Upside-Down Kingdom” Bible.
#239: They Fell Down and Worshipped Him: A Sermon by Matt Kennedy
Matt Kennedy preaches an Epiphany sermon on Matthew 2:1-12.
About Herod
Once we get past Christmas, instead of singing to “the newborn King”, we’re prone to singing, “You’re not the boss of me now.”
#238: The Dawn of Redeeming Grace: A Sermon by Jady Koch
Jady Koch preaches a Christmas sermon on John 1:1-18.
A Poem for Nine Lessons and Carols
Something different from our 9 Lessons and Carols Service this year.
#237: Happy Advent You Brood of Vipers! A Sermon by Nick Lannon
Nick Lannon preaches an Advent sermon on Luke 3:7-18
#236: Jurisdiction in this Realm? A Case for Anglican Nationalism
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss Article 37, “Of the Civil Magistrates.” They discuss its contemporary relevance, how American Christians can relate to and pray for their government, tyrannical rulers, and more.
After the Daniel Penny Verdict: A Time for Repentance
Those in the church who have pushed or enabled woke “social justice” need to repent and apologize. They must repent and apologize.
#235: Basic Training: The Parish, the Seminary, and Preparing to Pastor
Matt, Jady, and Nick reflect on Matt’s recent article for the North American Anglican about training pastors. They discuss seminary options, making mistakes in pastoral ministry, and the best way to get ready to lead a parish.
#234: On Reading the Bible with Dr. Gerald McDermott
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss sola vs prima scriptura again, this time with Dr. Gerald McDermott. They talk about perspicuity, Anselm and Arias, the role of the interpreter, and more.
After the Celebration: Adversaries and Love
Love them, welcome them, and feed them well. (And maybe back away from political discussions and from “owning the libs” for a day.)
#233: Preach, Preacher! The Makings of an Excellent Sermon
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss homiletics. They talk about how long should a sermon be, what a sermon seeks to accomplish, whether or not there is a difference between preaching and teaching, and more.
After the Celebration: New Allies
The years since 2018 have been awful but have also opened eyes and brought together people who once seemed to have little in common.
#232: Some Kind of Scriptura: Sola, Prima, and Arguments About Authority
Matt, Jady, and Nick digest the recent Justin Welby resignation news before turning their attention to the continuing tension between “sola” scriptura and “prima” scriptura in light of a new article by Dr. Gerald McDermott.
After the Celebration
Most reading this celebrated the election, if more soberly than this Anglican. Now though it’s probably time to return to the everyday.
#231: Boys and Girls Together: A Stand Firm Guide to Dating
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk dating, how to care for your children as they seek a mate, and God’s plan for courtship and marriage.
The Heart of Anglicanism – Documentary
New Kingdom Media’s first documentary is a great summary of the Reformation roots of Anglicanism.
#230: Which Way Western Man? Archbishop Welby, the Church of England, and Rebuilding Masculinity
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss continued apostasy from the leadership of the Church of England before turning their attention to a recap of the recent Perseus Conference.
#242: Same as the Old Boss: Quick Thoughts on the Transfer of Power
Matt, Jady, and Nick reflect on Joe Biden’s last few days in office, the inauguration festivities, and Donald Trump’s first actions as the new President.
#241: Called to Freedom: A Conversation with Brad Littlejohn
Matt, Jady, and Nick are joined by Brad Littlejohn to discuss the difference between worldly freedom and Christian freedom, how the world got confused about the idea, and how pastors can share freedom in Christ with their congregations.
#240: Woke Study Bible? Preston Sprinkle, Zondervan, and the Upside-Down Kingdom
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss Zondervan’s new NIV study Bible, wonder if study Bibles are a good idea, and talk about the promotional campaign for this “Upside-Down Kingdom” Bible.
#239: They Fell Down and Worshipped Him: A Sermon by Matt Kennedy
Matt Kennedy preaches an Epiphany sermon on Matthew 2:1-12.
#238: The Dawn of Redeeming Grace: A Sermon by Jady Koch
Jady Koch preaches a Christmas sermon on John 1:1-18.
#237: Happy Advent You Brood of Vipers! A Sermon by Nick Lannon
Nick Lannon preaches an Advent sermon on Luke 3:7-18
#236: Jurisdiction in this Realm? A Case for Anglican Nationalism
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss Article 37, “Of the Civil Magistrates.” They discuss its contemporary relevance, how American Christians can relate to and pray for their government, tyrannical rulers, and more.
#235: Basic Training: The Parish, the Seminary, and Preparing to Pastor
Matt, Jady, and Nick reflect on Matt’s recent article for the North American Anglican about training pastors. They discuss seminary options, making mistakes in pastoral ministry, and the best way to get ready to lead a parish.
#234: On Reading the Bible with Dr. Gerald McDermott
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss sola vs prima scriptura again, this time with Dr. Gerald McDermott. They talk about perspicuity, Anselm and Arias, the role of the interpreter, and more.
#233: Preach, Preacher! The Makings of an Excellent Sermon
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss homiletics. They talk about how long should a sermon be, what a sermon seeks to accomplish, whether or not there is a difference between preaching and teaching, and more.
#232: Some Kind of Scriptura: Sola, Prima, and Arguments About Authority
Matt, Jady, and Nick digest the recent Justin Welby resignation news before turning their attention to the continuing tension between “sola” scriptura and “prima” scriptura in light of a new article by Dr. Gerald McDermott.
#231: Boys and Girls Together: A Stand Firm Guide to Dating
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk dating, how to care for your children as they seek a mate, and God’s plan for courtship and marriage.
#230: Which Way Western Man? Archbishop Welby, the Church of England, and Rebuilding Masculinity
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss continued apostasy from the leadership of the Church of England before turning their attention to a recap of the recent Perseus Conference.
#229: Mailbag: Clergy Clothes, Voting Advice, and Communion Partners
Jady and Nick answer some listener questions: is wearing clergy attire a bad idea? Can clergy ever tell a parishioner how they should vote? What should we make of the most recent statement from the TEC Communion Partner bishops?
#228: On This Podcast, Columbus is a Hero
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss the meaning of the phrase “the least of these” in Matthew 25 before turning to the moral questions surrounding the Christian interaction with pagan cultures.
#227: Sex, Lies, and Deconstruction: Apostasy, Mom & Dad, and Leaving the Church
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk about “deconstructing” Christians, discuss whether sex is at the core of apostasy, and consider the practice of trading one set of laws for another.
#226: Reading Between the Lines: Ortlund, Lausanne, and the Need for Clarity
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss Ray Ortlund’s controversial tweet about the presidential race, dig into the 2024 Lausanne Congress “Seoul Statement,” and talk about the need for clear language about biblical truth.
#225: Front Porch Fallacies: The Failure of Seeker Sensitive Churches
Matt, Jady, and Nick—after touching on the Steve Lawson revelations—discuss the idea of church “porches,” spaces designed to woo non-Christians, and then talk about what the Sunday service is actually for.
#224: Creed Limits: New Heresies, Shared Belief, and the Need for Church Discipline
Matt, Jady, and Nick consider the idea that it might be time for a new creed, think about the differences between Nicea and the Reformation, and finally talk about how a healthy church is a disciplined church.
#223: Unserious Evanjellyism: The Slipping Masks of Progressive Christianity
Matt, Jady, and Nick review the “Confession of Evangelical Conviction” and discuss some updates about former ACNA parish Luminous Church and C4SO’s plans to deal theologically with similar revisionism.