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#224: Creed Limits: New Heresies, Shared Belief, and the Need for Church Discipline

Matt, Jady, and Nick consider the idea that it might be time for a new creed, think about the differences between Nicea and the Reformation, and finally talk about how a healthy church is a disciplined church.

#223: Unserious Evanjellyism: The Slipping Masks of Progressive Christianity

Matt, Jady, and Nick review the “Confession of Evangelical Conviction” and discuss some updates about former ACNA parish Luminous Church and C4SO’s plans to deal theologically with similar revisionism.

#222: Because Harry Meets Sally: Men, Women, and Upcoming Conferences

Jady and Nick discuss, in light of no less than four upcoming conferences, the thing everyone’s apparently talking about: the differences between the sexes, their complementarity, and how the church can proclaim Good News to men and women.

#220: When in Romans: Jady Koch on Romans 1

Jady Koch introduces Romans and teaches on chapter 1.


#212: Stand Firm at Provincial Assembly (Day 3)

#212: Stand Firm at Provincial Assembly (Day 3)

Matt, Jady, Nick, and Kelly discuss the third day of ACNA’s Provincial Assembly. They talk about Archbishop Beach’s address, review a press conference featuring the Archbishop and Archbishop-elect, and survey some of the breakout sessions they attended.

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What Parable Shall I Use For It

What Parable Shall I Use For It

The Kingdom of God, said Jesus, “is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when sown on the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth.” And this, if you labor in the work of the kingdom of God, is certain to make your heart sink. For who wants to be there when everything is small? Who can endure when budgets are tight and the sick season lasts the whole winter? What will sustain the congregation of God’s faithful people when it is staggering under the weight of institutional failures and cultural disintegration?

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#212: Stand Firm at Provincial Assembly (Day 3)

#212: Stand Firm at Provincial Assembly (Day 3)

Matt, Jady, Nick, and Kelly discuss the third day of ACNA’s Provincial Assembly. They talk about Archbishop Beach’s address, review a press conference featuring the Archbishop and Archbishop-elect, and survey some of the breakout sessions they attended.

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#212: Stand Firm at Provincial Assembly (Day 3)

#211: Stand Firm at Provincial Assembly (Day 2)

Matt, Jady, Nick and Anne discuss day 2 of Provincial Assembly. They talk about the sermons at Morning Prayer and the Festival Eucharist, the session on private and personal prayer, and the importance of the of the business session.

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