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#216: Left and Right: Cultural Christians, Negative World, and More Online Fights

Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss a recent argument between James Wood and Mike Cosper, talk about the phenomenon of prominent “cultural” Christians, and consider evangelistic strategies to the left and the right.

#215: Loose Planks: Republicans, Abortion, and Voting for President

Matt and Jady discuss changes to the Republican party platform, the morality of voting, and the availability of forgiveness and redemption for those morally compromised by their participation in abortion.

#214: Our Bodies, God’s Plan: Sexuality and the Bible

With the podcast hosts on vacation, we repost a lecture from Nick Lannon on the biblical view of sex and sexuality.

#213: Tales from the Crypt: Hunter Retires, Communion with Rome, and More on Archbishop Wood

Matt, Jady, and Nick talk about some current events in the church: Bishop Todd Hunter (C4SO) announces his retirement, news breaks about the possibility of “full communion” with Rome, and Archbishop Wood preaches at Provincial Assembly.

#212: Stand Firm at Provincial Assembly (Day 3)

Matt, Jady, Nick, and Kelly discuss the third day of ACNA’s Provincial Assembly. They talk about Archbishop Beach’s address, review a press conference featuring the Archbishop and Archbishop-elect, and survey some of the breakout sessions they attended.


#212: Stand Firm at Provincial Assembly (Day 3)

#212: Stand Firm at Provincial Assembly (Day 3)

Matt, Jady, Nick, and Kelly discuss the third day of ACNA’s Provincial Assembly. They talk about Archbishop Beach’s address, review a press conference featuring the Archbishop and Archbishop-elect, and survey some of the breakout sessions they attended.

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What Parable Shall I Use For It

What Parable Shall I Use For It

The Kingdom of God, said Jesus, “is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when sown on the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth.” And this, if you labor in the work of the kingdom of God, is certain to make your heart sink. For who wants to be there when everything is small? Who can endure when budgets are tight and the sick season lasts the whole winter? What will sustain the congregation of God’s faithful people when it is staggering under the weight of institutional failures and cultural disintegration?

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Hope and Glory

Hope and Glory

I disputed her hypothesis. People spend tons of money on what they look like, especially since everything is so expensive. It’s just that what is de rigueur to wear can only make you feel ugly and terrible. Modernism and postmodernism and whatever nihilism we have now have been cruel to the human shape.

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Only God Can Help Us Now

Only God Can Help Us Now

And I thought, but what of the young men dreaming their dreams? And the old and the young prophesying together? For everyone–it really says this in the Bible–who truly seeks will find. Anyone who knocks on the door–for real–will find it giving under that gentle pressure. God is not hiding, though he will never divulge himself on our terms. It is only in the terrible humility of faith that he can suddenly be seen.

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The World and Kevin

The World and Kevin

Hate, I would love to explain to Jesus whenever he has a moment, ought to have no home here in the world he made. How can it be that those who love him should find themselves at odds with anyone, let alone “the world.” There must be some mistake.

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#212: Stand Firm at Provincial Assembly (Day 3)

#212: Stand Firm at Provincial Assembly (Day 3)

Matt, Jady, Nick, and Kelly discuss the third day of ACNA’s Provincial Assembly. They talk about Archbishop Beach’s address, review a press conference featuring the Archbishop and Archbishop-elect, and survey some of the breakout sessions they attended.

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#212: Stand Firm at Provincial Assembly (Day 3)

#211: Stand Firm at Provincial Assembly (Day 2)

Matt, Jady, Nick and Anne discuss day 2 of Provincial Assembly. They talk about the sermons at Morning Prayer and the Festival Eucharist, the session on private and personal prayer, and the importance of the of the business session.

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