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pictured: Rev. Raphael Warnock, Senator from Georgia

Last month, Tucker Carlsen gave us an unpleasant but needed reminder that genocides do not start out of the blue but are prepared by constant propaganda. He used the example of a start-up radio station in 1993 Rwanda, Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines (RTLM). Carlsen is not known for understatement, but he actually understated the drumbeat of virulent anti-Tutsi propaganda from RTLM. The station called Tutsis cockroaches and cheerleaded the genocide against them once it was underway in 1994. RTLM well earned the moniker “Radio Genocide.”

Carlsen compared MSNBC to RTLM, and one can argue how fair a comparison it is. MSNBC disgusts me, but I do not recall them calling white people cockroaches to be exterminated. But there is a frequent drumbeat there of bashing white this and white that. It is hard to miss. Thankfully, MSNBC does not have anywhere close to the influence here that RTLM did in Rwanda. There are too many other more successful outlets.

But MSNBC is far from alone in their shameless anti-white racism. The New York Times proudly published The 1619 Project which, among other errors, made the absurd assertion that a chief motivation of the American Revolution was white men wanting to preserve slavery. In case one thinks this an aberration among today’s journalists, The 1619 Project received a 2020 Pulitzer Prize.

Unless one is a hermit or watches only MSNBC, one knows that we could continue at length about anti-white propaganda in the schools, in businesses, throughout pop culture, and in politics.  One can hardly escape it.  Rod Dreher is also troubled by that drumbeat.  It reminds him of the years of constant anti-semitic propaganda in Germany leading to the Holocaust. He, like me, is troubled that we even have a U. S. Senator, Rev. Raphael Warnock, spewing against “whiteness.”

The origin of most of this anti-white racism is Critical Theory, more commonly known as wokeness. CT vilifies whites as racist oppressors, never mind that racist oppression is a very multiethnic phenomenon through the centuries. And never mind that, in an increasing number of circumstances today, whites are oppressed for being whites. The great progress made against racism in this country, at least before Obama became President, is also passed over by the woke crowd.

And many of the heroes of the CT woke cabal are virulent racists such as Ibram X. Kendi, who openly advocates discrimination against whites, and James Cone, who said among other things:

There will be no peace in America until white people begin to hate their whiteness, asking from the depths of their being: “How can we become Black?”

Theologically, Malcolm X was not far wrong when he called the white man ‘the devil.’

Cone is especially a hero of woke within the church.

Yes, what should most trouble Christians is that the institutional church also is pushing anti-white propaganda, and not just the usual suspects such as the Episcopal Church and the mainline Presbyterian Church and not just Rev. Warnock’s church. We must not forget that mainstream German churches collaborated with Nazi anti-Jewish policies, and there were Rwandan clergy that even participated in the genocide there. We must not presume that us Christians are incapable of being drawn into such awful hate.

And too many American churches are being drawn into anti-white bigotry. Today even evangelical churches and related institutions are participating in anti-white racism. Wheaton, yes Wheaton of all places, has become a hotbed of wokeness. Truett Seminary of Baylor University, yes, the Baptists, is putting on not one, not two, but three conferences titled “Racism in the White Church.”

Both the anti-white racism behind these conferences being so titled and the accompanying lack of self-awareness are breathtaking. Why not have a conference on racism in the church, period? Why not look at how different sorts of churches and Christians have different sorts of racism issues? But, no, instead it’s three conferences on “Racism in the White Church.”

Yes, I’ll say it — that is racist.

Oh, but I forgot. According to the Critical Theory PhDs, it’s impossible to racist against white people. Because racism is prejudice plus power or something. Racists always have their lame excuses. And their excuses are usually racist as well.

But I cannot point fingers at the Baptists without noting my Anglican Church in North America has also been infiltrated with wokeness. But most dioceses in ACNA do not push it. Several dioceses soundly reject it. The Archbishop of ACNA along with the Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church (a sub-jurisdiction of ACNA) have spoken against Critical Theory in major addresses. And a few of our woke have discovered to their disappointment that we are not very hospitable to racist ideologies and are leaving. ACNA has more work to do in this area, but there is reason to be confident we are heading in the right direction.

Now we should not presume to know everyone’s motives in pushing this woke stuff. Such say they are for “justice,” and that probably is the motivation of many woke. I’m sure some Germans foolishly supported Nazism not because they hated Jews but because they wanted a strong prosperous Germany. I’m sure there are some who supported and still support Communism, not because they wanted a gulag society but out of care for workers and the poor. Nonetheless these and Critical Theory are such profoundly evil, hateful and toxic ideologies incompatible with orthodox Christianity that the faithful church must reject them and discipline clergy who push them regardless of motivations.

The drumbeat of anti-white racism in church and society has gone on for years. It cannot lead to a good place. As Dreher concludes, “…This kind of racist rhetoric is never innocent. Never. It’s meant to prepare people for something.”

Christians have a duty not to tolerate anti-white racism. Christians have a duty to stand strong in opposition to all racism, especially when it creeps into the institutional church. And when a church refuses to discipline ongoing and unrepentant racism, especially public racism among its clergy, and instead enables it, Christians must with tears and prayer consider cutting off support and even communion as Dietrich Bonhoeffer did.

Future generations may curse us if we do less — and they would be right to do so.

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