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#201: Christians in Public: A Conversation with Mike Sabo

Matt, Jady, and Nick welcome Mike Sabo of American Reformer to the show. They discuss his work at the journal, the need for Protestant political engagement, and the biblical mandate to live out the Christian faith in the public square.

If You Love Me

How did a father end up with two such children? Did he do something wrong? Maybe he was too strict. Maybe he wasn’t strict enough. Perhaps he forced his two sons to attend a Christian school which later embarrassed them when they wanted to get a job with NPR. Whatever the case, any reasonable person in the year of our Lord 2024 would blame the father for having the sons, and then telling them to do anything.

#200: From the River to the…University? Campus Protest, Christianity, and God’s Plan for Israel

Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss recent campus violence between Hamas supporters and Jewish students, consider the overlap between critical theory and antisemitism, and talk about Jesus’ connection to God’s chosen people.

#199: Stripping at the Altars: the Banality of Deconstruction

Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss the church and masculinity in light of the recent Stronger Men’s Conference before turning their attention to a comparison between hired hands (John 10) and exvangelicalism.

A Tale of Two Lost Sheep

In a happy and sane world, we would be constantly having our work interrupted, and be killing ourselves in the evenings and on the weekends because of all the parties we’d have to throw as sinners clamored to get into the Kingdom of God.


Let Me Tell You About Human Flourishing

Let Me Tell You About Human Flourishing

But the third one is hunched over in some dark post soviet office block feeling angry. That line, “I knew you to be a hard man,” is so haunting. How did he know? Is that even true? Is the master “hard?” Does he really reap where he doesn’t sow?

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Enough For What?

Enough For What?

That is, they say they are deconstructing, or opening up the question, or showing you a way forward into some new, bright thing, but they are really only bending the path back, twisting it round so that you can’t see to climb up that dark hill to grasp the feet of that naked, cursed, alienated Man hanging on the tree. The work of “deconstruction” turns out to be the usual old-time religion, the one where you–not Jesus–you have to save the world.

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Hate Has No Home Here

Hate Has No Home Here

The feast itself sounds glorious, satisfying, restful even. But it comes at a cost. Someone has to do the work–arranging the tables, getting the food together, deciding on the decorations and the guest list. All that takes weeks, months perhaps. But the preparations are only half of the work. The other half is making the people who come peaceable enough to enjoy what is given.

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But Behold, An Outcry

But Behold, An Outcry

What is “the white Christian nationalism” exactly? Probably I don’t really want to know. I think one thing that makes it very hard to consider what McKnight is saying is that the writing is riddled with so many unspoken and unexplained assumptions. He trusts that you, the reader, already know what he is talking about and agree with him because he is so obviously right. He doesn’t have to “do the work” of explaining what the text means or what he believes about the text.

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I am that kind of person

I am that kind of person

To which I would be inclined to say–of course not, as long as you are more generous to me. Or, to put it another way, as long as it appears fair from my angle. I do well to be angry, and I will sit here waiting for God to make it right according to my own measure of what that means.

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Forgive Me

Forgive Me

‘But Jesus,’ you complain, ‘that’s so embarrassing. And also, I am a forgiving kind of Christian and I will eventually get over my bad feelings by praying more. Also, it’s none of my business. Also, I can’t because she is so busy and so am I.’ At which point Jesus folds you in his loving arms and says, as everyone knows he does, ‘Oh, I didn’t realize you don’t like conflict. I didn’t know how hurt you felt. In that case, you don’t have to do this. This is actually for other people. Not you. Your sister is welcome to go to perdition, alienated and alone. I know the feelings of your heart are the most important thing in the world and not the real lives of other people I’ve joined to myself through my sacrificial work on the cross. You are my most precious treasure and I don’t want you to ever be embarrassed or uncomfortable or humiliated.’ Hashtag Things Jesus Is Never Going To Say.

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