Enough For What?
That is, they say they are deconstructing, or opening up the question, or showing you a way forward into some new, bright thing, but they are really only bending the path back, twisting it round so that you can’t see to climb up that dark hill to grasp the feet of that naked, cursed, alienated Man hanging on the tree. The work of “deconstruction” turns out to be the usual old-time religion, the one where you–not Jesus–you have to save the world.
#175: A Covenanted Communion: A Conversation with Phil Ashey
Matt, Jady, and Nick welcome the Rev. Canon Phil Ashey to the show, and discuss the possibility of covenanted Anglican Communion with mutual accountability, interdependence, and discipline at the global level.
#174: OK Zoomer: Reconquista and Recovering the Mainline
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk about the Reconquista Movement, a strategy to rescue mainline churches for orthodoxy. While there are some exciting and noble aspects to the plan, there are serious theological and ecclesial problems with it.
#173: Yearn and Burn: Desire, Sex, and Marriage
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss recent online conversations about “same sex attracted” people and marriage, talk about God’s power to change us, consider biblical reasons for singleness, and remember that, in Christ, we are promised redemption.
Hate Has No Home Here
The feast itself sounds glorious, satisfying, restful even. But it comes at a cost. Someone has to do the work–arranging the tables, getting the food together, deciding on the decorations and the guest list. All that takes weeks, months perhaps. But the preparations are only half of the work. The other half is making the people who come peaceable enough to enjoy what is given.
#172: An Existential Crisis: Terrorism, Israel, and Biblical Israel
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss the recent atrocities perpetrated by Hamas in Israel. They talk about the clash of cultures involved, look at the biblical right of nations to wield the sword, and consider God’s on-going relationship to his chosen people.
“There is No ‘On the Other Hand’”
Against Hamas and Moral Equivalence Fallacies
But Behold, An Outcry
What is “the white Christian nationalism” exactly? Probably I don’t really want to know. I think one thing that makes it very hard to consider what McKnight is saying is that the writing is riddled with so many unspoken and unexplained assumptions. He trusts that you, the reader, already know what he is talking about and agree with him because he is so obviously right. He doesn’t have to “do the work” of explaining what the text means or what he believes about the text.
#171: Who We Say That We Are: Identity and the Bible
On this episode of the Stand Firm podcast, the hosts step away from the mic again. In their place, enjoy a lecture by our own Nick Lannon on identity and the Bible.
#170: The People Under the Stairs: Evangelicals, Culture, and Elite Embarrassment
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss prominent evangelicals distancing themselves from their former fellows, talk about the drive for—and the costs associated with—cultural acceptance, and remember that friendship with the world is enmity with God.
I am that kind of person
To which I would be inclined to say–of course not, as long as you are more generous to me. Or, to put it another way, as long as it appears fair from my angle. I do well to be angry, and I will sit here waiting for God to make it right according to my own measure of what that means.
#169: (Mis)Uses of the Law? Preaching, Gospel-Centeredness, and the Third Use
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss God’s law. They begin by reflecting on the waning influence of the “Gospel-Centered” movement and then talk about preaching and how the law works in a Christian’s life.
#168: Showing Their True Colors: ACNAtoo, Affirmation, and LGBTQ+
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss the recent statement from ACNAtoo. They talk about the morphing definitions of terms, the anonymity of the leadership, and the anti-Christian nature of the organization’s promises.
“We are all prisoners of time.”
Instead of making our times into idols by making them the measure of all things, we should seek to transcend the times.
Forgive Me
‘But Jesus,’ you complain, ‘that’s so embarrassing. And also, I am a forgiving kind of Christian and I will eventually get over my bad feelings by praying more. Also, it’s none of my business. Also, I can’t because she is so busy and so am I.’ At which point Jesus folds you in his loving arms and says, as everyone knows he does, ‘Oh, I didn’t realize you don’t like conflict. I didn’t know how hurt you felt. In that case, you don’t have to do this. This is actually for other people. Not you. Your sister is welcome to go to perdition, alienated and alone. I know the feelings of your heart are the most important thing in the world and not the real lives of other people I’ve joined to myself through my sacrificial work on the cross. You are my most precious treasure and I don’t want you to ever be embarrassed or uncomfortable or humiliated.’ Hashtag Things Jesus Is Never Going To Say.
#167: Shepherds Lost and Found: Ministry, Hope, and Preaching Jesus
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk about a pastor’s essay about leaving the ministry. They discuss expectations, the difficulties of parish ministry, and the consolation they find in Christ.
Judgmental Non-Judgment and Burning Man
Burning Man is your subdivision, your schoolyard, your office, and your in-laws’ house.
When The Preacher Sins
He has a good inkling—that it’s about forgiveness—but, like a progressive trying to work out the logic of Jesus’ encounter with the Syrophoenician woman a couple of weeks ago—because he has so fully centered himself in the narrative, Jesus ends up being the one to apologize. “It’s as if I hurt you,” says this new, abashed Jesus, “please forgive me.”
#166: Modern Families? Morality and Procreation in the Technological Age
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss modern family planning: abortion, sperm donation, IVF, “snowflake” adoption, surrogacy, and more. They talk about the moral implications of these technologies, adoption in Christ, and hope in the Gospel.
Totalitarian Moments XII: John Paul II Visits Nicaragua
The Finger Wag Seen Around the World

#144: On Location at GAFCON23 (Day 2)
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss the second day of the 2023 GAFCON Conference from Kigali, Rwanda.

#143: On Location at GAFCON23 (Day 1)
Matt and Jady discuss the first day of the GAFCON conference from Kigali, Rwanda.

Stand Firm in Kigali
We’ve committed ourselves to churning out at least a half-hour Stand Firm Podcast each day of the conference

#142: What Dreams May Come: GAFCON23 and the Worldwide Anglican Communion
Jady and Nick have a conversation about their upcoming trip to Rwanda, their hopes and dreams for the GAFCON gathering, and how encouraging it is to be in a communion so committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ

#141: “Liberal” Education and Hillsdale College with Dr. Jonathan Mumme
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk to Dr. Jonathan Mumme about the current educational climate, discuss what Christian parents can do in the face of it, and highlight the things that Hillsdale is getting right.

#140: It’s Reigning Men: Rick Warren, Women in Ministry, and the SBC
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk about the upcoming debate in the Southern Baptist Convention about the ministry of women, consider the stance and state of the ACNA, and hope that all such discussions will be based on Scripture.

#139: Heresy and Fidelity: A Conversation with Calvin Robinson
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk with the Rev. Calvin Robinson, UK TV presenter and Free Church of England deacon. They discuss the state of Anglicanism in England, how the faithful might deal with opposition, the power of the Gospel proclaimed, and more.

#138: Let’s (Not) Talk About Sex: Bridal Mysticism and the Limits of Metaphor
Matt and Jady talk about the recent uproar over Josh Butler’s book “Beautiful Union,” wonder why all the same people get upset about the same things all the time, and discuss the value of cancel-proof spaces under good bishops (and editors).

#137: On Location at Asbury: Revivals, the Holy Spirit, and the Gospel with David Brannen
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk to David Brannen about Asbury University and his experience at the revival that may (or may not) have been going on there.

#136: Pitching Christ: The Real Jesus and the He Gets Us Campaign
Matt, Jady, and Nick consider the “He Gets Us” ads, talk about bait and switch evangelism, and discuss how the Good News requires both law and gospel.

#135: Life of the Party? Satan, His Minions, and Engaging the Spiritual Realm
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk about the devil. They discuss the recent notorious Grammys performance, what “Satanism” really means, Christians dabbling in the occult, and the Good News for a lost world.

#134: This Isn’t the Heresy You’re Looking For: Lee Gatiss on the Church of England’s Jedi Mind Tricks
Matt, Jady, and Nick are joined by Dr. Lee Gatiss of The Church Society to discuss the state of the Church of England, talk about the recent goings-on in the House of Bishops, and hope for a Gospel renewal in worldwide Anglicanism.

#133: And the Son? East, West, and Why the Filioque is Important
Matt, Jady, and Nick go back to the 5th century to look at the filioque clause in the Nicene Creed. They discuss why it’s there, talk about what might be lost if it was removed, and consider the East/West divide.

#132: London Has Fallen: Apostate Bishops, Marriage, and the Church of England
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss a recent open letter from an English bishop to his diocese. They look at his (weak) arguments for the acceptance of same-sex “marriage,” marvel at his abuse of scripture, and consider a churchman’s responsibilities.

#131: Topic? We Don’t Need No Stinking Topic: A (Meandering) Stand Firm Conversation
Matt, Jady, and Nick turn on the mics with no plan. They end up talking about the Church of England, why people might stay in liberal churches, and the modern strangeness of biblical Christianity, among other things.

#130: The Great Escape? An Exvangelical Conversation with Dustin Messer
Matt and Jady talk to Dustin Messer about the exvangelical phenomenon. They discuss what people who leave evangelicalism are really rejecting, how they can be engaged, and why it’s important to defend the Gospel where it’s being attacked.

#129: About Face: Fidelity, Apostasy, and Capitulation
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss the election of a bishop in The Episcopal Church, the apostasy of a formerly orthodox cleric, and the comfort of Gospel truth in the face of the world’s pressure and lies.

#128: Easy Like Christmas Morning: Feast Days, Heaven & Hell, and an Eternal Perspective
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk about whether or not to have church on Christmas Day, the importance of remembering the reality of heaven and hell, and how eternity affects the here and now.

#127: And Again We Say Revoice: A Conversation with Bethel McGrew
Matt, Jady, and Nick are joined by Anne Kennedy and special guest Bethel McGrew to discuss all things Revoice, Spiritual Friendship, and “Side B.”

#126: (Dis)Respect for Marriage: Ordered Loves, Civilization, and the First Institution
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss the recent passing of the so-called Respect for Marriage Act, the societal implications of attempting to redefine marriage, and why marriage is so important in God’s plan for men and women.