Hospice Group Forbids Communion Wine to the Dying and Fires a Deacon
The next day I was terminated. I had not had any reprimand or censure at Liberty apart from the above dispute over Communion. The link between that dispute and my termination seems clear.
On Leaves And Rocks
Just as, for anyone who begins to wonder who, or now, in many cases, what they are, the inquiry is crushingly value-laden. Who I am is how other people will know me. If I don’t know, or you don’t know, I am admitting to the depths of alienation I experience within myself, never mind the disconnection I have with God or other people. It’s not just all the visual attributes of my appearance or character, it’s my essential being and how I am known. Who am I?
#165: Essay Does It: Global Anglicanism and the Archbishop’s Essay Contest
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss Archbishop Beach’s summer essay contest: a sermon on what it means to be a global Anglican today. They discuss that topic, applicable biblical texts, how such a sermon might go…and what they’ll do with their winnings.
Old Souls in a New World
In the real story, only Jesus is good, but the woman is exactly the sort of person who would, today, embarrass everyone who hates Oliver Anthony’s song. They think they would be on her side, but look how her very existence humiliates everyone
#164: Unashamed: God’s Word, Eternal Truth, and Changing Churches
Jady and Nick discuss a Christianity Today article about recently departed ACNA churches. They wonder if clergy and congregation knew what they were joining, reflect on their own past hesitancies, and reaffirm the goodness of God’s Word…no matter what.
Yeah Yeah Yeah
Sometimes I like to google “stress” and read about all the bad things that happen to you when you go through sustained periods of “stress.” Apparently, it’s not very good for you. A little bit is fine, but prolonged amounts aren’t desirable.
#163: Girls Rule Boys Drool? Barbies, Boys, and Future Men
Matt and Jady talk about the Barbie movie, gay Boy Scouts, masculinity, trail life, and Matt and Anne’s workouts.
He Will Make It Make Sense
Imagine, being thus cut off from your kindred, but laid bare before your God. A lot of us think we might like this—indeed, Mr. Marsh of TikTok, there above, describes such a circumstance. Being alienated, Babbel-like, from all those who don’t deserve to know the delights of your person, to search out your “gender” as if some precious, hidden gem, takes you up to the heights. And what is up there? Surely God, or someone like him.
#162: Another Stand Firm Mailbag
Matt, Jady, and Nick tackle some more listener questions. This time: whether or not Anglicanism is Calvinist, female deacons, regenerate church membership, and becoming an involved layperson.
Champagne and Pearls
Handler, claiming to be wise, like so many, has become your least favorite and scolding Wine Aunt. She is the opposite of all the bright, surprising pictures that Jesus draws for us in the gospel this morning.
#161: I Am Become Death: Just War Theory and the Morality of Atomic Bombs
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk about Just War Theory, discuss the difference between making war and turning the other cheek, and consider the history of the atomic bombings on the occasion of the release of the film OPPENHEIMER.
#160: No Thanks: A Response to Some Theses on Anglican Reunification
Matt, Jady, and Nick react to a recent article calling for ACNA and TEC to reconcile. They remember (again) the reasons for the “schism,” clarify (again) the severity of TEC’s offense, and say (again) that only repentance can lead to reconciliation.
The Good Example of St. Swithin in Education
Faithfulness in education on a small scale can eventually have a great impact.
#159: How to Read the Bible: The Unknown God Made Known
On this episode of the Stand Firm podcast, the hosts take a vacation! In their place, enjoy a lecture given by our own Jady Koch on how to read the Bible.
Claiming to be Wise they became Dumber than a Bag of Hammers
You can see, here, of course, that God cares nothing for the imago dei of women, and only wants to oppress everyone all the time. Or at least did until the Archbishop of York reminded him that words like “King” and “rule” and “battle” are upsetting to some people.
#158: The Body of Christ: Ministry, Women, and the Church
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk about women and their importance to the life of the church. They discuss different denominational traditions, the need for the full body to be doing ministry, and the God-honoring complementarity of men and women.
Wokeness is (Even More) Not Winsome
Common sense people know now more than ever that wokeness is evil and harmful to all but criminals and grievance grifters.
#157: A Stand Firm Conversation: The State of the SBC with Andrew Walker
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk to Dr. Andrew Walker of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary about the recent SBC Annual Meeting. They discuss the contentious issues, a resolution Dr. Walker co-authored, and the health of the denomination in general.
The Anti-Anti-Woke
One does not love one’s neighbors by assisting the totalitarians against them. One does not further the Gospel of Christ by allying with the ideologies of Satan.
Small Numbers
There are times when small numbers of faithful people work better than large numbers.

#125: The Best of What’s Around: True Love, Tough Love, and the ACNA
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk about why they love the ACNA, why they sometimes critique the ACNA, and why the ACNA is worth fighting for.

#124: Conscience Claws: Confessions, Stand-Offs, and Cowards
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss the new “conscience clause” in the Calvin University statement of faith, talk about the midterm elections and abortion, and decide that institutions need strong leadership to survive.

#123: Hard to Say I’m Sorry: Covid Errors, Repentance, and Forgiveness
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk about binding the consciences of believers, discuss how to admit when you’re wrong, and why we should be careful adding on to “love thy neighbor.”

#122: Misspent Youth? Discipleship, Entertainment, and the Failures of “Cool” Student Ministry
Jady and Nick discuss youth ministry and the best way to include students in the life of the church. They talk about the youth ministry model in which they grew up and consider what might work better in the future.

#121: Vote My Conscience: Legislating Morality, Christian Nationalism, and Paralysis at the Ballot Box
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk about Christian Nationalism, wonder if there’s any way to keep one’s deeply held beliefs out of politics, and discuss our overriding hope: the reign of King Jesus.

#120: Rotten Tomatoes: Veggies, Pharisees, and Hypocrites
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss some recent Twitter comments from Phil Vischer, wonder if Jesus’ clashes with the Pharisees were due to their law-keeping, and talk about Christians and the common charge of hypocrisy.

#119: U-Turn? The Table, The Episcopal Church, and the ACNA
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss the recent decision of The Table in Indianapolis to seek affiliation with the Episcopal Church. They talk about The Table’s stated reasons for the departure and what it means for the ACNA.

#118: Being a Color: The Gospel, Culture, and Skin Culture in the Church
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss whether or not it’s helpful to describe Christians as “black” or “white” in light of an upcoming conference, reflect on their cross cultural experiences, and share Good News for seemingly divided people.

#117: Death Becomes Us: Funerals, Mourning, and Resurrection Hope
Matt, Jady, and Nick reflect on Queen Elizabeth’s funeral. They talk about the importance of mourning, what goes on at a burial service, and how even in death we can celebrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

#116: Please Mr. Postman: Another Stand Firm Mailbag
Matt, Jady, and Nick break open the mailbag again to respond to listener emails. This time: how to deal with a well-read Catholic family member, why the guys aren’t Eastern Orthodox, and how to recognize the beginnings of wokeness in your church.

#115: Keeping the Loud Part Quiet: Obfuscation, HTB, and “Quiet” Orthodoxy
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss a recent interview given by Archie Coates, new vicar of Holy Trinity Church, Brompton. They talk about his desire to keep his personal views to himself, and consider the pastoral calling to teach truth to the sheep.

#114: Just Friends? Matt Chandler, Men & Women, and the Billy Graham Rule
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss men being friends with women, whether or not men should avoid being alone with women, and…well, men and women.

#113: It’s Not Me, It’s You: Catholicity, Truth, and Schism
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk about the formation of a new diocese in Australia, discuss what it means for a church to be “catholic,” and consider (again) what circumstances warrant “walking apart.”

#112: By the Power of…? Christians, Politics, and a Light to the World
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk about political power. They discuss whether or not Christians should seek it, if it can be used for good, and respond to some common objections to Christian political involvement.

#111: The Last Lambeth (Pod)? Final Thoughts, Last Rites, and the Future of the Communion
Matt, Jady, and Nick conclude their discussion of the 2022 Lambeth Conference. They talk about whether anything good came from it, what might have been learned, and what a reforming movement in the communion might look like.

#110: Lambeth 2022: What We Got Here is a Failure to Excommunicate
Matt, Jady, and Nick continue to discuss the 2022 Lambeth Conference. They talk about the bounds of orthodoxy, the sufficiency of the creeds, and whether or not sex is worth disfellowshipping over.

#109: Lambeth 2022: Anglican’t We All Just Get Along?
Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss the currently-meeting Lambeth Conference. They talk about the World-wide Anglican Communion, whether it’s salvageable, and whether or not the ACNA should want to be part of it.

#108: Big, Fat, and Greek? Weddings, Marriage, and the Gospel
Matt, Jady, and Nick talk about weddings, what the point of a Christian wedding is, and how a Christian marriage is a reflection of the Good News about Jesus Christ.

#107: From Conception to Natural Death: Abortion, Capital Punishment, and the Value of Life
Matt, Jady, and Nick continue to discuss supposed inconsistencies in the pro-life position. Can someone who supports the death penalty be pro-life? What does the Bible say?

#106: The Woe Over Roe: The World, the Church, Anger, and Joy
Jady and Nick are joined by Mark Marshall to discuss the overturning of Roe v. Wade, whether or not Christians are allowed to celebrate, and the faith and founding of the ACNA.