by Mark Marshall | Jul 31, 2022 | Anglicans, Apostasy, Bible Study, Biblical Illiteracy, False Teachers and Their Enablers, Justice, Social Justice, Woke Church
Trinity 7 2022Micah 6:1-8Ephesians 4:11-24 Delivered at Providence Reformed Episcopal ChurchCorpus Christi, Texas…henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby...
by Mark Marshall | Mar 23, 2022 | Academia, Social Justice, Woke Church
Up to yesterday morning, I was pleasantly surprised by the series of Lent meditations from the Matthew 25 Initiative of ACNA (the Anglican Church in North America). Yes, some were tendentious. Yes, two or three of the meditations took liberties with Scripture. But...
by Anne Kennedy | Mar 13, 2022 | Apostasy, Eschatology, False Teachers and Their Enablers, Jesus, LGBTQIetc, Sexuality, Social Justice, Theological Liberalism, Totalitarians
I am caught between Scilla and Charybdis this morning. Having foolishly taken a week off from blogging, thinking that I needed a break, as usual I only ended up wandering around my disorganized house in a muddle, mad about everything but unable to remember why. And...
by Matt Kennedy | Feb 4, 2022 | Anglicans, LGBTQIetc, Podcast, Sexuality, Social Justice, The Gospel
On this episode of the Stand Firm podcast, Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss the recent Revoice conference, with special reference to Anne Kennedy’s review for CRI, and talk about whether Revoice’s claims and critiques are biblical or apt to lead people away...
by Anne Kennedy | Feb 2, 2022 | Sexuality, Social Justice
I am cross-posting this from Patheos because, well, it’s been a ton of work. I’ve been laboring away with the amazing editors at CRI on an article long in the pipeline about Revoice21. I started watching the talks in November, and then watched them again, and...
by Matt Kennedy | Dec 31, 2021 | Anglicans, Baptists, False Teachers and Their Enablers, Podcast, Roman Catholics, Social Justice
On this episode of the Stand Firm podcast, Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss 2021 and hand out some awards: issue of the year, most surprising development, and more. They talk wokeness, Dear Gay Anglicans, evangelical elites, and the pathways into and out of Anglicanism....