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#216: Left and Right: Cultural Christians, Negative World, and More Online Fights

Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss a recent argument between James Wood and Mike Cosper, talk about the phenomenon of prominent “cultural” Christians, and consider evangelistic strategies to the left and the right.

#215: Loose Planks: Republicans, Abortion, and Voting for President

Matt and Jady discuss changes to the Republican party platform, the morality of voting, and the availability of forgiveness and redemption for those morally compromised by their participation in abortion.

#214: Our Bodies, God’s Plan: Sexuality and the Bible

With the podcast hosts on vacation, we repost a lecture from Nick Lannon on the biblical view of sex and sexuality.

#213: Tales from the Crypt: Hunter Retires, Communion with Rome, and More on Archbishop Wood

Matt, Jady, and Nick talk about some current events in the church: Bishop Todd Hunter (C4SO) announces his retirement, news breaks about the possibility of “full communion” with Rome, and Archbishop Wood preaches at Provincial Assembly.

#212: Stand Firm at Provincial Assembly (Day 3)

Matt, Jady, Nick, and Kelly discuss the third day of ACNA’s Provincial Assembly. They talk about Archbishop Beach’s address, review a press conference featuring the Archbishop and Archbishop-elect, and survey some of the breakout sessions they attended.


If You Love Me

If You Love Me

How did a father end up with two such children? Did he do something wrong? Maybe he was too strict. Maybe he wasn’t strict enough. Perhaps he forced his two sons to attend a Christian school which later embarrassed them when they wanted to get a job with NPR. Whatever the case, any reasonable person in the year of our Lord 2024 would blame the father for having the sons, and then telling them to do anything.

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A Tale of Two Lost Sheep

A Tale of Two Lost Sheep

In a happy and sane world, we would be constantly having our work interrupted, and be killing ourselves in the evenings and on the weekends because of all the parties we’d have to throw as sinners clamored to get into the Kingdom of God.

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Quite Literally The Most Loving Thing

Quite Literally The Most Loving Thing

Discovering you are wrong and are committed to the wrong people and ideas is painful. So painful that each of us resist it to the outermost parts of the sea. But even there the Lord can go and snatch a creature out of the clutches of Satan. This is technically the most loving thing that can ever happen to anyone, even though it might be unpleasant in the moment. But how comfortable is it to get your cheeks pierced and your kneck tattooed? I feel like having to chat with a Christian in the beauty section of Marshalls wouldn’t even barely compete.

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But God…

But God…

“And you,” explains Paul, “were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience…” Isn’t it disappointing, though, that the sons of disobedience would have to be church clerics? Oh well.

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Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin

Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin

So the first thing we might say is that Jesus does love people. But he loves them in a different kind of way than we expect. He identifies with them. But how he identifies with them changes their identity entirely. His kind of love and his kind of identification, in the words of NPR, is deeply controversial, and that is because, at its very heart, it includes a peculiar kind of hate.

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#190: In Your Letter: Another Stand Firm Mailbag

#190: In Your Letter: Another Stand Firm Mailbag

On this episode of the Stand Firm podcast, Matt, Jady, and Nick dig into the mailbag and discuss how they came to their views on women's ordination, the new "He Gets Us" Super Bowl ad, and the online conversation about Elisabeth Elliot. Help send Stand Firm to...

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Sick At Heart

Sick At Heart

The thing to remember about the time in which we live is that it is a death work. It is a death space. It is a death belief. It is death. Everything about it is to destroy the human soul and drag it into hell as fast as possible. And what are you going to do? Living, as you do, in a world—not just a nation, but a world—that has chosen death to be its Shepherd?

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#190: In Your Letter: Another Stand Firm Mailbag

#190: In Your Letter: Another Stand Firm Mailbag

On this episode of the Stand Firm podcast, Matt, Jady, and Nick dig into the mailbag and discuss how they came to their views on women's ordination, the new "He Gets Us" Super Bowl ad, and the online conversation about Elisabeth Elliot. Help send Stand Firm to...

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#187: Rent Asunder? Calvin Robinson at Mere Anglicanism

#187: Rent Asunder? Calvin Robinson at Mere Anglicanism

Matt, Jady, and Nick talk about the recent controversial Mere Anglicanism Conference. They discuss Calvin Robinson’s talk there, what the reaction to it reveals about ACNA, and the idea that a Christian can attend a same-sex “wedding” in good conscience.

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#182: Sermons of Christmas: Matt Kennedy

#182: Sermons of Christmas: Matt Kennedy

With the three hosts taking a break from podcasting for Christmas, Stand Firm is excited to repost a Christmas sermon this week from the Rev. Matt Kennedy. Preached in 2022, this sermon took Luke 2:1-14 as its text.

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