by Mark Marshall | Dec 28, 2024 | Apostasy, Bible Study, Christmas, Church Year, Eschatology, False Teachers and Their Enablers, Jesus, Sexuality, Woke Church
Today is the Feast of the Holy Innocents in the season of Christmas. Yes, it’s the twelve day Christmas season until Epiphany on January 6th, and don’t you forget it!Anyway, most of you know the story of how Herod received the news of Christ’s birth. It was not like...
by Anne Kennedy | Feb 4, 2024 | Anglicans, Biblical Illiteracy, Eschatology, Garden-Variety Malaise, Go to Church, History, Jesus
Photo by Andrew Stutesman on Unsplash As I’m sure you all know, Easter falls dreadfully early this year—the very last day of March—which means that Ash Wednesday will come to pass on Valentine’s Day. This presents those in the tender stage of love with a dilemma. Will...
by Matt Kennedy | Dec 15, 2023 | Bible Study, Eschatology, Jesus, Podcast
On this episode of the Stand Firm podcast, Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss four major views of the end times and Revelation: full preterism, amillenialism, premillienialism, and postmillenialism. They outline the models and consider some arguments for and against each...
by Matt Kennedy | Dec 1, 2023 | Anglicans, Church Year, Eschatology, Jesus, Podcast, The Gospel
On this episode of the Stand Firm podcast, Matt, Jady, and Nick discuss the season of Advent, talk about the whole arc of God’s saving work, and consider the Good News for which we’re asked to wait. Need more Stand Firm? Subscribe to the pod on iTunes....
by Anne Kennedy | Dec 27, 2022 | Eschatology, Garden-Variety Malaise, Prosperity Gospel, Spirituality
It’s going to take me all day to write this because I’m so full of cheese and sugar, but, as I said on Twitter, I’ve been watching a lot of Walmart Walmark Hallmark movies with my girls, such that we’ve basically evolved into connoisseurs of the genre. I should...
by Matt Kennedy | Dec 16, 2022 | Anglicans, Church Year, Eschatology, Go to Church, Podcast
On this episode of the Stand Firm podcast, Matt, Jady, and Nick talk about whether or not to have church on Christmas Day, the importance of remembering the reality of heaven and hell, and how eternity affects the here and now. For another episode on the importance of...