by Anne Kennedy | Jan 26, 2023 | Biblical Illiteracy, Freedom of Speech, Jesus, Spirituality
Took a little break from trudging through piles of Brianna Wiest to start a glorious 45 and a half hours of Stephen Fry reading The Blandings Collection–truly, it’s hard to remember the gathering apocalyptic storm with Fry’s version of The Efficient...
by Anne Kennedy | Dec 27, 2022 | Eschatology, Garden-Variety Malaise, Prosperity Gospel, Spirituality
It’s going to take me all day to write this because I’m so full of cheese and sugar, but, as I said on Twitter, I’ve been watching a lot of Walmart Walmark Hallmark movies with my girls, such that we’ve basically evolved into connoisseurs of the genre. I should...
by Anne Kennedy | Nov 9, 2022 | LGBTQIetc, On the Radar, Sexuality, Spirituality, The Gospel, Theological Liberalism, Woke Church
If you are groggy from being up late watching the returns last night and are looking for a completely different subject to take your mind off the state of the world I hope you will take a gander at the long article I wrote for the Christian Research Journal on...
by Mark Marshall | Nov 3, 2022 | Justice, Oppression, Spirituality, U.S. Politics
As has become rather infamous already, an article in The Atlantic has called for amnesty for “what we did and said when we were [supposedly – .Ed] in the dark about COVID,” including harmful government responses to COVID. The response to said article probably is...
by Anne Kennedy | Oct 18, 2022 | Garden-Variety Malaise, Jesus, Spirituality
I found this yesterday, it’s so interesting: @malauriepsychic Everyone has mediumship/psychic abilities let’s normalize them @Glennon Doyle #psychicabilities #psychiclife #afterlife #spiritguides #pastlifeexperience #soulfragments ♬ original sound –...
by Mark Marshall | Mar 10, 2022 | Church Year, Spirituality, The Gospel
Two occasions this past Sunday brought home to me how much we need seasons of penitence, how much we need Lent. First, a friend shared with me how much he was grieving over his sin. He fought back tears as he did so. A short time later that afternoon, I came across an...